Strategic support to future proof your business


We support entrepreneurs, leaders & organisations who want to do better business, achieve Net Zero & create inspiring places to work.

Design Thinking Workshops

Generate practical sustainability solutions for your business at pace. Harness the creativity of your team, put the user at the centre of the process and prioritise the changes that will make maximum impact.

Circular Business Model Development

Create a business model fit for the future.
Map how you create Social, Environmental & Economic value through your business using the Triple Layer Business Model Canvas.

Sustainable Business Strategy

Strategic support for your leadership team.
Making the business case for sustainability, industry benchmarking, gap analysis & strategic roadmaps.


Management Systems

Achieving Net Zero, attracting & retaining talent & boosting business performance needs an Integrated Reporting System. We will help you to track & measure your Social, Environmental & Economic Impact & identify the priorities for maximum Return on Investment.


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“Big Blue Mountains helped me bring about structure and clarity that has moved my business to the next level and I will continue to use Ben for strategic support, planning and implementation of business projects moving forward. Ben brings a calm and confident charisma to the table with extensive knowledge and experience across all sectors that enables him to give sound and solid advice to a variety of businesses and individuals.

I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Ben as strategic business or small to large scale project support consultant. Many thanks for you support to date and I look forward to working with you again in the near future.”

Matt Gillespie (Thunder Park)


“I contacted BBM to advise on setting up a food business and I’m very glad I did. The money I paid to get a fast and professional report done was money well spent. Ben has gleaned valuable experience in the food and hospitality industry. He knows the best ways to make a profit in a difficult industry and what the best steps are for you to get there. On this occasion we quickly found out that my idea could potentially have lost me a lot of money and even worse a lot of sleepless nights and headaches. 

So if you are considering setting up a new business I highly recommend Ben to help you navigate your way through. And he is a lovely person!”

Melanie Harrison (The Harrison)

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“Ben brought two qualities which were essential for a sustainable venture design project we were working on together, creativity and diligence.

I needed someone who embraced the creative vision for the project while balancing the complexity of delivering a real outcome to support our client's goal. Ben was able to do this with confidence bringing his depth of experience in business strategy and his intelligence of current environmental and sustainable issues.

He brings humour, kindness and authenticity to his work and I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to work alongside him.”

Peter Edgar


In 2023 Ben Craig, BBM Director, joined a world-class faculty at the Institute of Sustainability Studies to develop and facilitate a module on Decarbonisation: Achieving Net Zero. 


Every great endeavour starts with a single step